
Man Is Like a Fruit Tree--Elmer Bobst

While taking my boat down the inland waterway to Florida a few weeks ago, I decided to tie up at Georgetown, South Carolina, for the night and visit with an old friend. As we approached the Esso dock, I saw him through my binoculars standing there awaiting us. Tall and straight as an arrow he stood, facing a cold, penetrating wind—truly a picture of a sturdy man, even though his next birthday will make him eighty-two. Yes, the man was our elder statesman, Bernard Baruch.
He loaded us into his station wagon and we were off to his famous Hobcaw Barony for dinner. We sat and talked in the great living room where many notables and statesmen, including Roosevelt and Churchill, have sat and taken their cues. In his eighty-second year, still a human dynamo, Mr. Baruch talks not of the past but of present problems and the future, deploring our ignorance of history, economics, and psychology. His only reference to the past was to tell me, with a wonderful sparkle in his eye, that he was only able to get eight quail out of the ten shots the day before. What is the secret of this great man’s value to the world at eighty-one? The answer is his insatiable desire to keep being productive.
Two of the hardest things to accomplish in this world are to acquire wealth by honest effort and, having gained it, to learn how to use it properly. Recently I walked into the locker room of a rather well-known golf club after finishing a round. It was in the late afternoon and most of the members had left for their homes. But a half-dozen or so men past middle age were still seated at tables talking aimlessly and drinking more than was good for them. These same men can be found there day after day and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community. If material prosperity were the chief requisite for happiness, then each one should have been happy. Yet, it seemed to me, something very important was missing, else there would not have been the constant effort to escape the realities of life through Scotch and soda. They knew, each one of them, that their productivity had ceased. When a fruit tree ceases to bear its fruit, it is dying. And it is even so with man.
What is the answer to a long and happy existence in this world of ours? I think I found it long ago in a passage from the book, Genesis, which caught my eyes while I was thumbing through my Bible. The words were few, but they became indelibly impressed on my mind: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread.”
To me, that has been a challenge from my earliest recollections.In fact, the battle of life, of existence, is a challenge to everyone. The immortal words of St. Paul, too, have been and always will be a great inspiration to me. At the end of the road I want to be able to feel that I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.


A Goodbye Kiss

The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "How embarrassing. I am getting so clumsy in my old age." Frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. "I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home."
Frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. "I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home."
He looked at us and said, "I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls. His rain hat would be pulled down over his brow. No matter how much my Mother washed them, they would still smell of the sea and of fish."
Frank's voice dropped a bit. "When the weather was bad he would drive me to school. He had this old truck that he used in his fishing business. That truck was older than he was. It would wheeze and rattle down the road. You could hear it coming for blocks. As he would drive toward the school,I would shrink down into the seat hoping to disappear. Half the time, he would slam to a stop and the old truck would belch a cloud of smoke. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. Here, I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean over and kiss me goodbye!"
He paused and then went on, "I remember the day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my hand up and said, 'No, Dad.'
It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this surprised look on his face.
I said, 'Dad, I'm too old for a goodbye kiss. I'm too old for any kind of kiss.'
My Dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up. I had never seen him cry. He turned and looked out the windshield. 'You're right,' he said. 'You are a big boy....a man. I won't kiss you anymore.'"
Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes, as he spoke. "It wasn't long after that when my Dad went to sea and never came back. It was a day when most of the fleet stayed in, but not Dad. He had a big family to feed. They found his boat adrift with its nets half in and half out.He must have gotten into a gale and was trying to save the nets and the floats."
I looked at Frank and saw that tears were running down his cheeks. Frank spoke again. "Guys, you don't know what I would give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek....to feel his rough old face....to smell the ocean on him....to feel his arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss."







金、银、琉璃、珊瑚、砗磲、珍珠、玛瑙­ 6.【四大名瓷窑】­







Preventing the diseases and knowledge (1)

1 Why * Why things as baking, easy to cancer: baking food for fuel will produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and a known 3,4 - styrene than the carcinogenic substances, these substances will be left in food, so eat more vulnerable to cancer.
2, to eat vegetables which easily poisoning: 1), germination, hair green potatoes poisonous. 2) fresh lily (the day lily) toxic. 3) is not preserved through the food. 4) overnight cooked cabbage, cooked leek dish will be in the nitrate into nitrite, nitrite is a strong carcinogen, cooked cabbage, leeks cooked up a long time not to eat.
3, children should not eat preserved eggs: preserved egg in the process a kind of lead oxide added to the material, this toxic material, the intellectual
4, Black ginger should not eat: Black ginger are very toxic, can be necrosis of liver cells.
5, soybean oil can not be eaten raw: raw soybean oil contains benzene, benzene can damage the human hematopoietic system, so do not trap cold dishes and dumplings with students soybean oil, soybean oil, such as the pot will boil cooked, benzene would evaporate.
6, long cooking water can not eat: the overnight and prolonged boiling water thermos of water and water in Africa the day, both contain a substance called Nitrate, this thing is a strong carcinogen.
7, fish, meat eating burnt not: fish, meat and other meat dishes, char will produce a known carcinogen styrene ratio.
8, Mo married men eat Coke: Coca-Cola, the body can kill sperm, so the child should by no means married man wants to eat.
9, eating tender liver harmful speculation: pig's liver is detoxification organs, liver inclusive of a small amount of toxin, if not fry and eat harmful.
10, which fruits and avoid seafood? Persimmon, grape pomegranate, Shan Cha, bananas, the fruit contains tannin. Tannin and seafood in the calcium-binding, will form a difficult to digest the material, the sky Duteng, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and so on.
11, what foods easy to make the skin black? Eat the liver, kidney, red bean, black sesame, mullet, espresso, easy to make the skin black.
12, which diet in skin whitening? Generally yellow green food such as celery, spinach, onion, apple, radish, etc..
13, soya milk which four-line? 1) Jichi brown sugar 2) Avoid red eggs 3) avoid unfamiliar 4) Jiyong thermos loaded.
14 Which Five Note to eat milk? A) bogey plus Brown Sugar 2) avoid freezing 3) Avoid mixed with water 4) bogey flight 5) avoid the same services with the tonic.
15, diesel, rice crust should not eat: diesel oil, rice crust contains styrene ratio, styrene is a carcinogen than so should not eat.


1、 为什*么常吃烘烤食物易患癌:因烘烤食物时燃料中会产生大量的二氧化碳、二氧化硫和一种叫3,4-苯丙比的致癌物质,这些物质会遗留在食物上,所以人吃多了极易患癌。
2、 吃哪些蔬菜易中毒:1)、发芽、发青的土豆有毒。2)鲜黄花菜(即金针菜)有毒。3)腌制未透的菜。4)隔夜熟白菜、熟韭菜会将菜中的硝酸盐转化为亚硝酸盐,亚硝酸盐是强致癌物,熟白菜、熟韭菜放久了切勿吃。
3、 儿童不宜吃皮蛋:皮蛋在加工过程中加入一种氧化铅的物质,此物有毒,影响智力
4、 烂姜不宜吃:烂姜有极毒,能坏死肝细胞。
5、 豆油不可生吃:生豆油中含有苯,苯能破坏人的造血系统,所以做凉拌菜和饺陷不宜用生豆油,如将豆油下锅熬熟,苯就蒸发了。
6、 久煮的水不能吃:隔夜开水和经久煮的水以及保温瓶中非当天的开水中,均含有一种叫亚硝酸铵的物质,此物是强致癌物。
7、 鱼、肉烧焦吃不得:鱼、肉等荤菜,烧焦就会产生一种叫苯丙比的致癌物质。
8、 新婚男子莫吃可乐:可口可乐,能将人体内精子杀死,所以婚后男子要想孩子切莫吃。
9、 吃嫩炒猪肝有害:猪的肝脏是解毒器官,肝内均含少量毒素,如不炒透,吃了有害。
10、 哪些水果忌海味?柿子、葡萄石榴、山查、香蕉,这些水果中含有鞣酸。鞣酸与海味中的钙结合,会形成一种难以消化的物质,而起肚疼、呕吐、恶心、腹泻等现象。
11、 哪些食物易使皮肤变黑?常吃肝脏、肾、赤豆、黑芝麻、乌鱼、浓咖啡、易使皮肤变黑。
12、 哪些食物易使皮肤增白?一般为黄绿色食品如芹菜、菠菜、洋葱、苹果、萝卜等。
13、 吃豆浆有哪些四忌?1)忌吃红糖2)忌冲鸡蛋3)忌不熟4)忌用保温瓶装。
14、 吃牛奶有哪五忌?1)忌加红糖2)忌冰冻3)忌掺开水4)忌空服5)忌同补药同服。
15、 油渣、锅巴不宜吃:油渣、锅巴中含有苯丙比,苯丙比是致癌物质,所以不宜吃。


China has the third allocation of Immigrants and the backbone of the collective loss of class

Various data show that since the late 70s of last century, the early 90's Liangbo migration, the Chinese reform and opening up after the climax of the third allocation of immigrants entering the new century, decade, has become increasingly turbulent momentum. Illegal immigration is different from the first allocation of the underlying mix of labor and the second dial when the stage door of "Abroad", the main force of the new century migration from the new rich class and the knowledge elite. High-end groups, and trends of development of a large number of form can not be ignored and must face the question: whether China is going through a collective loss of salt of the earth strata? China has the world's largest immigration countries, there are about 35 million Chinese diaspora around the world.
Beijing buy a house, as immigrants?
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, "Global Politics and Security" report shows that China is becoming the world's largest exporter of migrants.
April 2010 Beijing Auto Show, an immigration ad played quite sensational: buy a house in Beijing? As immigrants it!
This ad is behind the unspoken subtext: In the history of suites to provide the maximum purchase threshold, Beijing, within the Second Ring-hand house prices still clinging to the average price per square meter, 30,000 yuan, the yet to recover from the financial crisis, the United States, EB-5 was launched visas, naturalization attract the rich countries, minimum investment of 500,000 U.S. dollars (about RMB 3.42 million), is eligible to apply for a green card. "In theory, living within the Second Ring of Beijing people have the condition have to emigrate to America." Beijing travel abroad Intermediaries Association, Qi Lixin said.
Latest statistics released by the U.S. Department of State: October 2008 -2009 in September of the previous federal fiscal year approved EB-5 immigrant visa category the total number of 1443 from the 2008 fiscal year rose to 4218 people, of whom about Qi Cheng mainly from China. Qi Lixin, said investment in countries with high immigration were successful in Canada, Australia, Singapore, the required investment threshold is 40 million yuan (about 2.35 million yuan), 80 million Australian dollars (about 4.54 million yuan), 150 million new yuan (about 9.62 million yuan).
Immigration Canada data show that: in 2009, Canadian investment in the number of immigrants for the 2055 global goal, the Chinese mainland accounted for about 1,000 places. Prices starting at 400,000 to invest in Canadian dollars (about 2.35 million yuan), is only 2009, even if only by "threshold standard" calculation, Canada's wealth flows from China, at least 2.35 billion yuan, the equivalent of a China Pavilion.
De facto transfer of wealth is far higher than the above rough estimates. Applications for immigration to Canada in 2001, Machou (a pseudonym) is the skilled migration process, despite being wound up his senior executives of a company in Guangzhou has reached tens of millions of assets. "High threshold for investment immigration, not to say that your pocket can have more than 3 million immigrants in Canada, and also must hire a certain number of local employees, each year a certain amount of sales and profits."
Investment in a relatively small number of immigrants, the skilled migration is a much larger group. Qi Lixin told reporters that for the past ten years the number of countries in technology and investment immigration immigration than about 20:1.
This means that every day nearly 60 educational background, good, decent work, are paid huge salaries while the Chinese middle class elite immigration applications submitted to Immigration Canada.
"Scores may be the basic quality of human resources compliance for the master's degree or above, fluent in English, 3-5 years working experience," Machou said, "is the backbone of China."
Machou only large "backbone" of a group. According to statistics, in 2009, a total of 2.5 million Chinese immigrants in Canada; emigrated to the U.S. about 6.5 million people; 2008 about 1.6 million people migrate to Australia.
In Canada, the United States, Australia and the three main destinations, Hong Kong, Singapore and the sudden emergence of a small country in North America at the same time to absorb a large number of immigrants from mainland China.


MBT sandals fine papers

If you ask what the world are most representative of a woman, I am afraid that both men and women, most of the answers will be the beauty of MBT sandals, MBT sandals is that, as long as one woman put it inside a small outbreak of the universe will not help, immediately head high chest, high spirits, it will be elongated leg line, the visual and more slender proportion, perhaps the most exclusive women sexy weapons can say, MBT sandals not only increase the absolute height, but from the heart of pleasure and After the self-confidence into the workplace, MBT sandals should be your first choice in wardrobe essential single-product
According occasions, temperament, MBT sandals can be divided into two types: one is the office where stable, able to send MBT sandals, 7 cm is usually the easiest to control the height of women, sexy and also the most secure and will not cause too much damage to health ; Another type is the party on the beautiful, eye-catching evening class MBT sandals, 10 cm in height tempting, but not everyone can wear it does not move as freely, however, you can choose the style in front of a water station, no reduction in demeanor, the same elegant
Black and brown pair of estimated staff has long been the wild color, but the insurance, we need to fashion and overhangs, navy blue or nude MBT sandals are hot this year, the color of the top shoes with a very distinguished in the gas If you must wear black MBT sandals only safe, it does not matter, we might try to patent leather, plain satin, sequins and even hard-mesh screens and other materials, can be part-time work with the party dressed in a double effect
Traditional approach is the same color shoes with or slightly deeper than the clothes, which is to ensure that their children are not big mistakes Fan military regulations but the new trend in fashion circles lately is that the closer the color of shoes colorless as possible (such as off-white, nude color, metal color, etc.), there are virtually enhance the visual center of gravity, people seem extremely lightweight, straight and slender to increase people's sense of MBT sandals in addition to outside with a skirt, with jeans and feet are also more popular in recent years the practice, of course, only refers to those styles tip toe side
1. MBT sandals fine black leather of course is essential workplace style, but careful not too high, beyond the normal height of the MBT sandals too much attention in the office where
2. Want to fine high-heeled sandals piercing MBT degree and elegant fashion means that the shoe is very important work and materials, it will easily become cheap street stalls
MBT sandals and flat shoes flat shoes article has been clearly divided the two corps, now from London, New York street corners in many cities, more and more women are put on the Flats, the reason is simple: MBT sandals make while Swaying like walking, but walking Flats Queshi firmer appearance this summer, the one you are most worthy of the sweet ballet shoes, its pure and romantic girl style did not lose the flavor of thousands of MBT sandals; first heat not reduce the Roman shoes, styles change more and more practical to wear.
MBT fashion shows

MBT shoes Footwear released this quarter highlights both elegant and sophisticated Scandinavian style, but also to strengthen its consistently adhering to the idea of wearing comfort.
The more diverse style of men's shoes, men from the Move mobile zone running shoes, Copenhagen Copenhagen, Montreal Montreal, dress shoes for men to show different qualities can be paired with suits and casual wear. In addition, MBT also announced several new quarter bags, and shoes with a different series.
The shoes, the new-market "ECCO Supreme Extreme Series" sandals very innovative. It uses a rich intricate design of exterior materials and details of making fine leather shoes reflect the modern elegance. To provide maximum comfort, this sandal has a high permeability soft cushioning material lining the substrate and processing, light and flexible sole makes walking in a woman lovely, light and agile posture.
In a comfortable world-renowned Danish leisure brand MBT sandals, in Shanghai, Shanghai City Art Centre Sculpture "08 Spring" men's, women's fashion trends conference.
Hong Kong artist Jessica endorsement of the "MBT" shoes, the total released 24 new shoes. Women among the most amazing summer, including Summer Zone area, Summer Ballerina ballet summer, Supreme Ultimate series, Ms. jogging shoes, Calvi Ka Weier, Cannes, Ms. Kannas fashion MBT sandals.
MBT sandals, black leather, whether business or MBT shoes black shoes are a lot of use of natural leather, a unique inlaid soles technology and internal air circulation system to ensure the wearer is in the fully shown taste, it also to maintain the cool weather, health, comfort.


China shocked the world recipe _____ Internal Medicine

1, the beginning of a cold: very light blue (with to), ginger piece 5, money, water, a bowl of fried open, add appropriate amount of heat by a dose of brown sugar (Congjiang without dose), and immediately go to sleep, sweating Jiyu.
2 days cold: Use the same first day, Also, before going to sleep at night, with garlic mash, apply two Zuxin (Yongquan, soybean grains deposited per Zuxin large can), with a cloth wrap the next morning thrown off, once a 2-3 days Jiyu.
3, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): Health white radish juice, two drops for each drop of the nose (nostrils are two drops), twice a day, once a 4-5 days to eradicate. Jichi pepper, pepper.
4, dizziness (dizziness, vertigo): a duck, bean 20, mix steamed, the morning flight, this day one for 7 days with special effects. Avoid taken to drink, spicy.
5, insomnia, dream: a half basin with hot water before bedtime, plus one or two feet soaked in vinegar for 20 minutes, and the raw root Onion 1-2.
6, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): Health and black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were crushed to brew the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eating fish.
7, phlegm cough (including acute bronchitis, bronchitis, children, bronchitis): white radish 22, pear 22, along with chopped boiled water add appropriate amount of crystal sugar bowl of food, the second day 3 days. Phlegm. Can be used with the same Article.
8, Old bronchitis (chronic bronchitis): take the winter frost hit one or two after the gourd vine *, licorice * a penny, water bowl Jiantang a dose, the second day, once a half months to 20 days, to cure. Avoid alcohol, spicy things, the best and the ninth with the use.
9, chronic cough (cough caused by emphysema and bronchitis, etc.): alum one or two, and research into the flour into a paste with vinegar tune every night before bed to take soy dressing Zuxin freshman group (Yongquan, the two feet are apply), cloth, unfold the next morning for 7 days with special effects.
10, asthma (asthma in children with): dry earthworm * half a catty, fried yellow research into powder, mixing and grinding with sugar water, a 2 money (about half a spoonful of powder) on the 1st secondary, served Jiyu. Avoid spicy food thing.


一、 内 科

1、 初起感冒:葱白(连须)、生姜片5钱、水一碗煎开、加适量红糖乘热一次服下(葱姜不需服下),并马上睡觉,出汗即愈。
2、 多日感冒:白天用法同第一条,另外,要在晚上睡觉前,用大蒜头捣成糊状,敷两足心(涌泉穴,每足心敷黄豆粒大即可),用布包好,次日晨揭去,连用2-3天即愈。
3、 头痛(各种头痛均可):生白萝卜汁,每次滴鼻孔两滴(两鼻孔都滴),一日两次,连用4-5天,可除根。忌吃花椒、胡椒。
4、 头晕(头昏眼花、晕眩):鸭蛋一个、赤豆20粒,搅匀蒸熟,早晨空服,每日一此,连用7天有特效。忌吃酒、辣。
5、 失眠、多梦:睡前用半脸盆热水,加一两醋双脚浸泡20分钟,并生吃葱白1-2根。
6、 干咳(感冒或其他原因引起均可):生黑芝麻3钱(约一调羹),冰糖适量,共捣碎开水冲早晨空服,3天痊愈,少吃鱼类。
7、 有痰咳(包括急性气管炎、支气管炎、儿童气管炎):白萝卜二两,鸭梨二两,一起切碎加水一碗煮熟加适量冰糖食用,一日二次连用3天。清热化痰。可与第九条同用。
8、 老气管炎(慢性气管炎):取冬天打霜后丝瓜藤*一两、甘草*一钱,水一碗煎汤一次服下,一日二次,连用半月至20天,可根治。忌烟酒、辣物,最好与第九条同用。
9、 长期咳嗽(肺气肿及气管炎等引起咳嗽):明矾一两,研成粉用醋调成糊状,每晚睡前取黄豆大一团敷足心(涌泉穴,两足都敷),用布包好、次日晨揭去,连用7天有特效。
10、 哮喘(儿童哮喘同):干蚯蚓*半斤,炒黄研成粉,用白糖水冲服,一次2钱(约半调羹粉)一日二次,服完即愈。忌吃辣物。


French romantic culture

17th century French classical literature celebrates its glorious times, have appeared in Moliere, Stendhal, Balzac, Dumas, Victor • Hugo, Flaubert, Dumas, Zola , Guy • Germany • Maupassant, Romain • Roland and other great masters in literature. Many of their works to become a treasure of world literature. The "Notre Dame de Paris", the "Red", "high old man," "Count of Monte Cristo," "Les Miserables" and "John • Christopher", etc., has been translated into works of world literature in the world widespread. Detective fiction has Morris • LeBron's Grand Theft Auto Arsene flat, and George Simenon's Maigret detective •. Modern French art in quite the tradition based on innovation, not only the emergence of Rodin sculptures such artists, there have been such as Matisse, Monet and Impressionism, Fauvism representatives. From the 17th century, French industrial design, art and design world leader in the field already obvious to all. The practical art, architecture, fashion design, industrial design schools already by virtue of its "France" is known for the commercial fruit overseas.
French people love sports, sports items popular soccer, tennis, football, to bowling, sailing, swimming, skiing, and bicycle ring competitions. More well-known universities in the University of Paris, Lyon University.

Care instructions wearing MBT shoes

1. In the selection of MBT shoes when you exercise according to your requirements and care for the style selected, because different types of sports shoes with different design requirements and usage requirements, so choose your MBT shoes and sports shoes in need is of essential .

2. I choose to write the numbers, it is best to personally try: try MBT shoes when your feet the ground, with upright posture, with thumb up and down activities as appropriate, should not be too large or too small; If you choose to help shoes high when best use of the squat position to confirm whether the upper grinding Jiaobo mouth after the reunification.

3. Shoes are too fat, shoe marks, said. This requires the characteristics according to MBT shoes and feet awakened too fat, choice-based. In addition, the MBT shoe adjusting the degree of tightness can meet your requirements, usually for the benefit of not pressing the instep.

4. When the shoes dirty, scrub gently with water dipped in detergent, then rinse, dry place ventilated cool place, avoid direct sunlight. Do not use warm air or the name of the fire drying, to avoid aging, open plastic, fading and serious distortion. Washing could not be a long soak, usually not more than 2 hours soaking time.

5.MBT shoes most of the material is synthetic polymer materials (mostly nylon mesh and polyester non-woven class-based artificial leather, shoes and more use made of rubber or foam rubber), some upper is leather, so Avoid contact with organic reagents and fat class solution, while also not high temperature environment in a long time wear. Normal wear or washing with a temperature of not more than 45 eating degrees.

6. If long storage, should be first shoe brush clean, cool dry place rear ventilated storage to avoid mildew.

7. To enable you to reach a satisfactory wear, please wear your fair treatment, remember not to wear normal running shoes or MBT MBT sandals black leather football and other vigorous exercise. To give full play to the technical expertise you.